Thursday, September 27, 2007


Listening: Funnyman - KT Tunstall

When no one to lose
Said you feel like a bruise
On a beautiful body
And all the damage you do
Is so honest and true
I don't want to feel sorry for you.

Funnyman, got a plan to be something wonderful
Funnyman, listening to the world turning on its sail
Tuning in to a brand new universe
Funnyman can never be anything else.

Wow, guys. Wow. A month. It has been a whole month. Gollee!

Yeah, so, uh. Nothing's happened.

I'm so not even kidding. If you want the complete rundown of my life, there's been a whole lot of drama, a whole lot of work, and a little bit of being a maniac. Well, okay, no, there's been a whole lot of that too. I'm still working at Chapters, still slogging through MUN, making new friends (such as the oh-so-charming Hannah and my foxy pal Brad) and having adventures. Actually, adventures have been kind of stuck on the wayside, as I am right in the middle of getting over the worst illness I've ever had.

Recurring migraines + vertigo + swollen lymph nodes + constant exhaustion + physical aches = death.

A week and a half. That's how long I had it. For the record, when I get sick, it's a rarity. (My immune system did that much for me.) And then, when I do get sick, I shake it off after like, two or three days; five, tops. Needless to say, I've been feeling bloody terrible for too long, which may explain why I've been so terrible to deal with. Logic!

As a result of recovering from my brush with death, it seems that my body chemistry is hella screwed up. I am constantly exhausted now, and I don't have any kind of an appetite whatsoever. I got up at 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning. I went to bed at 11:30 that night. Guess what I nourished myself with during that time? A large cup of tea. Yeah. That's it. Don't ask me why. I just don't feel hungry.

Anyhow, yeah. As a result, I don't know much about what the hell is going on in the modern world right now. Next week, when hopefully I have shaken off the last of my death-spasms, I should be able to actually make a post that borders on coherent. And interesting.

Also: I'm going to be a super-villain.


Also also: It's my birthday next week, apparently. o__o;;

Icarus is going to be the best super-villain ever. Just you wait.