Friday, November 30, 2007

Clips and Tricks

Listening: Godot's Theme: Fragrance of Dark Coffee (Jazz Version) - Phoenix Wright

Well, thank God. I thought today was never going to get here.

Today was the last day of classes at MUN. Which means it was also the last day of me running around like my head was on fire, trying to finish all of my term reports. I will give the MUN library this: it may be stuffy and confining and militaristic, but I get shit done there.

Moving on.

I know I haven't been keeping up with the blogging--well, not really--but things have been nuts over on my end. In case you hadn't gathered it from my last post, I got my driver's license. *waits for applause* Oh yeah, and the whole deal with the car got worked out peacefully in the end. (Not fairly, though, in my opinion. I don't mean for me. I mean for the poor woman who had to shell out $2700 from her own pocket because her idiot daughter let her uninsured, unlicensed boyfriend drive her mother's car. But that's not for me to work out.)

The Tim Horton's Cole and I were at on the night of the accident is not our regular Tim's. Yes, we have a regular Tim's. So regular that they knew our orders upon sight. (Yes, this is very sad, I am aware.) Those halcyon days are gone, unfortunately, because they closed out Tim's down about a month ago, so we've had to look for a new one. It was very traumatic, I assure you.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Guys, Rykea's wicked. A few weeks ago she and I were discussing a song. Specifically, it was the Charlotte Martin cover of Constant Craving. Then we started bandying back and forth with sentences. The next thing we know, we have an ongoing short-story. We literally wrote the first sentences that came into our heads, so we started with no characters, no plot, no nothing. And somehow... we have a little sleeping beast that the two of us continue to poke at, and I have a feeling it's going to grow up to be splendiferous.

There is nothing new and exciting in my life save for that, so instead I'm going to do something slightly out of the ordinary. I'm picking up the first five pieces of paper I find and putting clips of what I've written on them on my blog. Sound like fun? No? Well, too bad.

"Your average daily dose of Grimmy will make your eyes bleed from cuteness."

"You may interrupt me for one or more of the following:
- earthquake
- house on fire
- dam bursting ("What dam?", you ask)
- copious blood loss
- dinner."

"Long-Legged Scissor Man."

"- headstrong
- frequently judgmental
- twin brother
- fond of cars
- champion lockpick"


And that's... it, really. Yay for the boring life of Julia.

Icarus is going to sleep again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's funny, if you take those fives things, I could probably fabricate five stories from them. But I won't. Since I should be studying. For exams. Like Psych in 48 hours. *shots muse and locks it in the closet* YOU CAN HAVE YOUR GRAND COMING OUT LATER K? K.

A Tim's finally closed? How shocking. Do tell, which?

8:52 PM  
Blogger Gen-chan said...

Your life is never boring. Ever. ^^ <3

12:34 PM  

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