Friday, June 08, 2007

Under the Gun

Listening: The Glass Parade - Cary Brothers

This is the Glass Parade
A fragile state
And I am trying not to break
And the stars are shining
The moon is right
And I would kill to be with you tonight.

Hold me now
As the car lights fade
And we are dancing in the Glass Parade...

If you haven't heard of Cary Brothers, you don't know what you're missing out on. Thanks again to Rykea for sending me magical musics!

It may be 1:19 a.m. and I may be dying of exhaustion but I figured I would put up a short post to reaffirm that I am in fact still alive. Yes it's been almost a month, but I had several good reasons. There was a pretty major family crisis for a while that thankfully is on the way to resolution, and also I have been working like crazy at Wal-Hell to earn some cash monies. This is still ongoing, actually. My crazy-as-hell hours start next Saturday. Le sigh.

Another factor that's had a major influence on my free time has been the occurance of a very significant event in my life. My labor of love, book one of my Usurper series, was completed Thursday morning. It still needs to be severely edited, and I do mean severely, but I have to say that this piece is definitely one of the ones I am not only extremely proud of, but also one of my better ones. I like the characters, I like the plot, I like the style of writing, and I adore that I'm so comfortable with everything about it that I can just let it go and see where it takes me.

A conversation with my Dad basically lead to the stint of avid writing leading up to the completion of this book. I gave him a chapter to read once, and occasionally I'll inform him that I'm still in the process of writing, but he has never taken the initiative to ask about it until the other night. I was kind of flattered that someone cared enough to ask me how my work was going (excluding several of my friends, who are also great about the whole thing), so I decided to just sit down and hack away at the last few chapters until it was done. My circadian rhythm actually shifted in accordance to this desire: I stopped sleeping in til noon and going to bed in the wee hours, and instead I now get up with the sun and am ready to drop by 1 a.m. Part of me says that now that the book is done I can just go back to that, but truth be told, I really like getting up early and seizing the day.

Anyway, I'm now entering editing mode and have been attacking my brick of a manuscript with my little orange editing pen and going insane. Fortunately I have Rykea, who has proven herself invaluable yet again and offered to give me a hand. I'm always glad to have fresh eyes on the piece, as it's hard for me to pick out what I think is superfluous, since I'm so familiar with it. It always brightens my day to hear her actually laugh aloud when she reads. It makes me feel accomplished.

For the record, Ryk has been letting me read her own pocketpiece, which I will refer to as SR. Words cannot describe how amazing I find this piece. I wish I could eat it, it's that yummy. Sometimes reading it weirds me out, because there are parts of it that can be frighteningly similar to my own Usurper. Most people would say that we're stealing ideas off each other, but that's difficult when we don't discuss our ideas with each other before we write them... or when we don't see each other for months at a time. Somehow she and I are just on the same wavelength. Don't ask me how, but I believe it has to do with our relationship as is. Whereas with most people who don't see each other for long periods of time, they grow apart as time passes, but with me and Ryk, no matter what, we just pick up where we left off. How we manage it will probably never be fathomed. Maybe it's a World Wonder.

Moving on, Cole and I have been avidly planning our flight up to the "land of bureaucrats" (a.k.a. Ottawa) to visit lovely Rae. We finally have most of the information we need for the trip, so really all we need right now is for Cole's mother to stop worrying about everything and just book her a ticket. That being said, I am very glad that I talked to Cole's mom before booking my ticket, because otherwise everything would have gone straight to hell. This being my first trip unchaperoned (because trust me, Cole does not count as a chaperone), I completely failed to take into account such vital matters as food, transportation, and shelter. Haha. That got sorted out fast, trust me.

There's probably more to be said, but my sleep cycle is heralding the arrival of bedtime and I think I really ought to get this finished before I pass out on the keyboard. Loves to my muffins.

Icarus wishes she could stop singing Cary Brothers songs. No, really, she does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow she and I are just on the same wavelength. Don't ask me how, but I believe it has to do with our relationship as is. Whereas with most people who don't see each other for long periods of time, they grow apart as time passes, but with me and Ryk, no matter what, we just pick up where we left off. How we manage it will probably never be fathomed. Maybe it's a World Wonder.

I've written the same about you before too. It's funny-true though. (Go us.) And I'm touched by your compliments. *bows*

8:17 AM  
Blogger Jam said...

I wanted to think of a witty sentence to write, like "you usurped my.." something, but I can't. It's just too witty.


I need to start writing soon. I need caffeine and inspiration to do that. Donations?


1:11 PM  

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